Build Process
Why we’ve earned a reputation as the best
On acceptance of the construction quotation, our landscape architects/designers will meet with your construction supervisor internally to run through the project. The designers, supervisor and construction manager will meet with you on-site to the project prior to meeting with you on-site to run through all of the design elements on the project to ensure that the design vision is brought to reality. At this time, you will be provided with a construction schedule and estimated time of completion.
Resourcefulness – Zebraa Green is continually devising ways and means to renew focus and push beyond average in landscaping and Team Zebraa Green recently implemented a new mission statement: Enhancing lives, Restoring Zebraa Green, Growing our Family Tree. “Our goal is to work together like members of a family, from the time the phone rings, to planning the design, to the equipment and crew heading out to each new project beginning. This is where daily communication with the homeowner is imperative. “Our ability to accomplish target objectives are in direct correlation with the relationship maintained with every client,” we are building clients for life and making them part of the family.”
While design is an important part of the process, artisanship and detailed site involvement, develop and accomplish it
We look forward to securing your project start date. Once we have received a signed contract, our letter of introduction welcomes you to Zebraa Green. We request utilities and drain pipe line drawing or a physical marking which is very essential, even before our bobcat is left on premises. The Job Overseer or the supervisor and Crew are introduced to you on that all important first day and a work schedule is planned on the Job Calendar. From that day forward, you are in the capable hands of your installation team. Their years of expertise, professionalism and ethics will surprise and delight you.
We won’t leave you wondering what is happening next
Detailed site involvement emphasis makes the difference. The Job Overseer checks in daily and you are kept up to date via the Job Calendar. Knowing daily task and project timelines keep questions from arising. With a design plan and a job calendar at your finger tips, you become a daily part of the construction process.
Knowing daily task and project timelines keep questions from arising. With a design plan and a job calendar at your finger tips, you become a daily part of the construction process.
Finishing the Project properly
We are focused on the final details of your landscape project and when it is 90% completed, it is time to meet customer expectations and finish the job properly. Plantings, installation of landscape lighting, thoroughly cleaning the property and identifying end of project concerns become our priority. Near job completion, a final walk-through will be scheduled with the Homeowner, Designer and Job Overseer. Together a walk-through of the entire project will allow final discussion and resolution of last details.
Client Handover
Once your project has reached practical completion, you will be provided with a handover pack. This pack includes information about how to care for your garden and the species of plants/trees that have been used in your project. It also has a copy of your landscape design, reticulation, lighting and electrical plans.
“At Zebraa Green we are motivated by supportive relationships with our clients. We remain devoted to supporting our combined goals through commitment to authentic design, impeccable craftsmanship and the highest level of service.”
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